Tag Archive: Vacuum Impregnation System

  1. Case Study: Choosing the Right Vacuum Impregnation Program

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    In 2008, a North American motorcycle OEM decided to insource their vacuum impregnation requirements to reduce manufacturing costs. The OEM considered multiple sealant and equipment technologies. The company was sold on equipment that claimed to eliminate wastewater discharge, seal castings at a better rate, and would require minimal adjustments, maintenance, and repair. The equipment selected used a recycling sealant.

  2. Video: CAPi Walkaround

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    The Continuous Advanced Powertrain Impregnation system (CAPI) allows high volume OEM and suppliers to have the benefits of vacuum impregnation in a simple, easy to use machine.  In our latest video, Johnny Impreg discusses how the system effectively seals die casting leak paths while eliminating contamination and damage.


  3. Video: Continuous Flow Impregnation System Walk Around

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    Godfrey & Wing’s Continuous Flow Impregnation (CFi) system seals porosity in a short cycle time with minimal labor. In this video, John Halladay (aka Johnny Impreg) will show you some of his favorite features:

    1. Compact design

    2. Part traceability 

    3. Integrates with production

    Video API System Seals Transmission Cases

    Video Transcript

    Hello, everybody. Welcome to another edition of Casting Call with Johnny Impreg. I’m your host, Johnny Impreg, and again this month, we’re going to be unveiling a new piece of equipment. It seems like we just did it last month, but our equipment people have been really busy.

    Favorite FeaturesThis is an automated system that’s going to go to an engine plant in Mexico, and it’s got a couple of unique features I’d like to share with you. Number one, it’s super compact, and it integrates directly in with the manufacturing facility. The blocks are fed in with an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). They go through the process completely automatically. They’re scanned for traceability, and they go through an outbound cooling tunnel, or they go back to, with the AGV, back to a leak test. So, super small, compact, totally integrated, complete traceability, the Godfrey & Wing CFi.

    Let’s TalkHope you enjoyed this video. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below, and watch for another upcoming edition with some more machines that we’ll be unveiling. Thanks for your time, and as always, bye for now.

  4. When to Use a Traditional Batch System Vacuum Impregnation?

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    Years ago and even today, Batch System Vacuum Impregnation was the most common vacuum impregnation system. Despite a recent shift towards Single Piece Part Flow (i.e. HVLV, CFI, APi, and EcoSeal), there is still value in Batch System Vacuum Impregnation.   Bottom line, the advantages of this process is that it is the best solution to provide capacity-multiple amounts of product can be serviced in one cycle.


    Both batch and single piece part flow impregnation systems accomplish the same 4 basic tasks:

    • Penetration of casting porosity/leak paths with sealant
    • Recovery of excess sealant from tapped holes, cavities and outside casting surface
    • Cleaning of the casting’s surface features to remove undesirable sealant
    • Curing the sealant that has been impregnated within the casting walls.

    So if all impregnation systems accomplish the same tasks, then how does a batch system work differently?  

    It’s simple; a Batch system is compiled of a large vessel, large tanks and large baskets.


    Multiple castings are placed in baskets, which then are put through the impregnation process, first the vessel, then the wash and finally the cure.

    So when should a Batch system used? The system should be utilized when:

    • Flexibility in range of part sizes and shapes
    • Parts that have a more forgiving leak rate
    • Large, heavy parts that do not have small blind threaded holes
    • High quantity of raw (non-machined) castings where part-on-part contact is not an issue. 

    This condensed overview will provide you a better understanding on the benefits of a Batch system.  Of course, this system is not a “one size fits all” for vacuum impregnation needs.  At Godfrey & Wing, we manufacture and utilize both batch and single piece part flow.  Both systems have benefits to different needs.  

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