Our new Advanced Powertrain impregnation (APi) system simplifies and compacts the vacuum impregnation process so that you can bring vacuum impregnation equipment in house. The APi takes our patented front loading technology and increases the impregnation chamber for large parts-like engine blocks or powertrain transmission cases.
Use of this system will:
- Eliminate WIP/Overproduction
- Optimize product value stream
- Reduce lead time, eliminates delays
- Allow for >99.5% recovery of porous castings
See for yourself.
Next Steps
- Talk to us. Lets discuss if it is more prudent for you to insource or outsource impregnation of your parts.
- Understand porosity and vacuum impregnation by downloading our handbook.
- Stay connected and become an expert on porosity and vacuum impregnation by subscribing to our blog.