Tag Archive: Porosity

  1. Should Porosity Be Sealed Before or After Machining?

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    The goal of a foundry is to produce high quality die castings that meet or exceed the customer’s specifications at a competitive cost. In some die casting cases, those specifications require that the part must hold pressurized fluid or gasses.

    Companies use vacuum impregnation when the part must hold fluids or gasses under pressure. Vacuum impregnation is a proven process that seals internal porosity without impacting any other features of the manufactured part. A common question asked about vacuum impregnation is “Should vacuum impregnation be done before or after die casting machining?”


    While some refer to porosity as a defect, it occurs naturally and is found in most materials, both man-made and in nature. In metal castings, porosity is typically considered any void found in the casting. Some metal casting porosity can affect the part’s structural integrity, creating a failure point. More commonly, porosity prevents the part from being pressure tight. This will impact performance if the part is designed to hold gases or fluids.

    Casting porosity can be caused by gas formation or solidification while the metal is being moved from a liquid state to a solid state. This porosity can range in size, from sub-micron to voids greater than 10 mm, depending on the casting.

    In general, there are three casting porosity classifications:

    • Blind Porosity: From one surface only and therefore not forming a continuous passage for liquid (highlighted in blue in figure 1).
    • Through Porosity: Stretching from one side of a casting to another (highlighted in red in figure 1).
    • Fully Enclosed Porosity: Enclosed within the casting, and has no passage to the surface (highlighted in green in figure 1).

    Casting Porosity Types

    Figure 1: There are three types of casting porosity: blind porosity, through porosity, and fully enclosed porosity.

    Blind and through porosity cause immediate casting problems. Blind porosity can cause internal corrosion; while through porosity will create a leak path and allow gas and liquids to seep through the casting (Figure 2). In addition, blind porosity can cause defects on the part surface when secondary treatments, like powder coating or anodizing, are done. This is because solutions used to clean the castings prior to the treatment will leech out of the voids after the surface finish process.

    Should Porosity Be Sealed Before or After Machining?

    Porosity Types

    Figure 2: Blind porosity can cause internal corrosion; while through porosity will create a leak path and allow gas and liquids to seep through the casting.

    When a machine tool cuts into the surface or “skin” of a casting, it can expose or open porosity (Figure 3). The porosity may be either blind porosity or existing blind and enclosed porosity may be opened and become through porosity.

    Machining Porosity

    Figure 3: When a machine tool cuts into the surface or “skin” of a casting, it can expose or open porosity.

    The new inter-connected porosity (highlighted in green) will create a leak path (Figure 4). The leak path will cause fluids and gases to leak from the casting, causing it to be non-conforming, and in many cases unusable. Unfortunately, this occurs precisely at the wrong time, since the non-conforming part has already been cast, cubed (pre-machined), washed, tested, shipped, fully machined, washed and tested again. All the value has been added to the non-conforming part. In the worst-case scenario if the problem occurs frequently, the manufacturer may have maxed-out their production and may be unable to replace the non-conforming castings with functional parts, delaying shipments and significantly increasing costs.

    Machining Leak Path

    Figure 4: The new inter-connected porosity (highlighted in green) will create a leak path. This leak path will cause fluids and gases to leak from the casting, causing it to be non-conforming, and in many cases unusable.

    Impregnating 100% of castings after final machining is the best way to insure leak free castings at build. If prior to assembly, a final leak test of individual parts is incorporated into production, leak testing fully machined casting and impregnating only the non-conforming parts (often referred to as fix-on-fail) is an excellent alternative.

    Another approach is that manufacturers have chosen to increase the machining content at the pre-machine stage (cubing) thus maximizing the exposure of blind and through porosity prior to the parts reaching the final production line. After pre-machining 100% of all parts are impregnated and tested. Only conforming parts are sent through to production when the parts are fully machined in production only a reduced amount of material is removed. Since the impregnation at pre-machining has already sealed both the blind and through porosity, the opportunity to open an interconnected leak path is substantially reduced. In some cases, any non-conforming parts that make it to final test can be easily impregnated without disrupting production on a “fix-on-fail” basis.

    In Summary

    Because machining may potentially uncover additional casting porosity, vacuum impregnation should be done after machining. Performing vacuum impregnation after machining is the only way to seal all leak paths. However, some castings may be pre-machined or cubed. Impregnating 100% of production castings after cubing will seal the exposed porosity. In this case, impregnation is still very effective in reducing non-conforming parts at final assembly.

    Understanding Porosity and Vacuum Impregnation
  2. Top 5 Vacuum Impregnation Blogs of 2016

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    It is the end of another year.  Which means that it is time to address our mixed feelings about New Years
    resolutions, and reflect on the year that is about to end.  While we cannot help with your 2017 resolutions, we
    can look back on the most read vacuum impregnation and porosity blogs of 2016.  Here are our top 5 blogs from

    3 Types of Porosity Classification

    When a porosity problem occurs, the first challenge
    is to determine the type of porosity. The following
    porosity classification guide can help you determine
    the porosity type.

    Casting Porosity 300

    Vacuum Impregnation FAQ

    When a customer has a casting with porosity that is leaking,
    they need a solution quickly. Here are some of the more common
    questions that we receive in regards to vacuum impregnation and porosity.

    Porosity Blog Image

    Understanding Vacuum Impregnation (Handbook)

    Casting impregnation stops leaks caused by porosity.
    It is important to understand what vacuum impregnation does not do.

    Handbook SM

    Advanced Powertrain Impregnation (Video)

    The Advanced Powertrain impregnation (APi) system simplifies
    and compacts the vacuum impregnation process for parts like
    engine blocks or powertrain transmission cases.

    API Video

    Next year, we will continue to write insightful and helpful content on vacuum impregnation and porosity. Don’t worry,
    our 2017 blogs will not require gyms or special diets. They will help you understand vacuum impregnation and solve
    your porosity problems.

    From our team to your, Happy New Years.

  3. Three Types of Die Casting Porosity

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    When a casting porosity problem occurs, the first challenge is to determine the type of porosity. The following porosity classification guide can help you determine the porosity type. This is important information to know, because the type of porosity will dictate the vacuum impregnation process to use.

    In general, there are three basic classifications of casting porosity:

    1. Blind Porosity(highlighted in blue): From one surface only and therefore not forming a continuous passage for liquid.
    2. Through Porosity(highlighted in red): Stretching from one side of a casting to another thereby causing a leak path.
    3. Fully Enclosed Porosity (highlighted in green)>: Enclosed within the casting, and has no passage to the surface.

    Casting Sectioned Porosity REV1

    Blind and Through porosity cause immediate casting problems. Blind porosity can cause internal corrosion; while Through porosity will allow gas and liquids to seep through the casting. In addition, blind porosity can cause defects on the part surface when secondary treatments, like powder coating or anodizing, are done. This is because solutions used to clean the castings prior to the treatment will leech out of the voids after the surface finish process.

    Fully enclosed porosity is not a problem unless secondary machining uncovers this porosity. Machining can break fully enclosed porosity, which will then turn it to either Blind or Through porosity. This is important to know, because porosity detection should not be done until machining of the casting is complete.

    Related: Should Vacuum Impregnation Be Done Before or After Machining?

    How to Seal Porosity?

    The best way to seal Blind or Through porosity is with vacuum impregnation. Vacuum Impregnation eliminates the negative effects of porosity such as leaks, and corrosion, thus achieving completely sealed castings. Understanding the porosity and using vacuum impregnation will allow you to efficiently produce parts while minimizing costs.

    Video: Understanding the Vacuum Impregnation Process

  4. Vacuum Impregnation FAQ

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    We are sometimes told by customers that they are unaware of what vacuum impregnation is.  Ultimately, they have a casting with porosity that is leaking whatever is passing through the part (i.e. air, gas, water, etc.), and they need a solution to their problem. Here are some of the more common questions that we receive in regards to vacuum impregnation and porosity.  Our intent is that you can use this information as a guide when you need to correct castings with porosity.

    Would you like this information in a printable form?  Of course!  Click here to download it as a pdf.   

    What is porosity?

    Porosity is an area of sponge-like texture in an otherwise sound metal casting. There are two types of porosity:

    • Micro-porosity: Very small (almost invisible) interconnected air filled cells.
    • Macro-porosity: Larger flaws in the casting visible to the naked eye.

    Porosity is typically caused during the casting process by internal shrinkage, gas cavitation, oxide films and inclusions and the many combinations thereof. 

    What is vacuum impregnation?

    Vacuum impregnation (also known as “impregnation” and “impreg”) seals the porosity in metal castings, thus making leaky castings pressure tight.  

    What is the process of vacuum impregnation?

    In a nutshell, the impregnation sealant is introduced into the voids within the wall thickness of the casting through vacuum and/or pressure methods. Subsequent processing solidifies the sealant.  

    What are the types of porosity?

    There are three types of porosity:

    • Blind Porosity: From one surface only and therefore not forming a continuous passage for liquid
    • Through Porosity: Stretching from one inner face to another thereby causing a leakage path
    • Fully Enclosed Porosity: This can not be reached by impregnation.

    Porosity Types
    How does impregnation improve product quality?

    When casting porosity is reviewed during inspection, “good” castings are as porous as the “bad” castings because the porosity is blind and not completely inter-connected. Subsequent mechanical or thermal shock or stress often breaks the thin membrane in the “good castings” which keeps the blind porosity from being continuous, thus causing a “leaker”. Impregnation fills porosity from both sides preventing leaks even if the membrane does break. Therefore, impregnation salvages castings and improves quality, while inspection only sorts out leakers.

    What materials can be impregnated?

    All ferrous and non-ferrous metals, whether sand cast, gravity die, pressure die castings or forgings can be impregnated to eliminate porosity. Iron, bronze, aluminum, zinc, magnesium, steel, sintered metals and plastics, as well as alloys of these metals can be impregnated.

    Can cracked castings be fixed through impregnation?

    No. Impregnation will not increase the strength of a casting. The cracks will reopen when the casting is under pressure.

    Can vacuum impregnation cure surface flaws?

    No. This is because impregnation is within the part and not a surface treatment.  

    Should impregnation occur before or after machining?

    Impregnation occurs after a casting is machined.  This is because machining may potentially uncover additional porosity.

    Will impregnation discolor or damage the casting?

    No, because impregnation occurs within the walls of the casting.  There is no film or coating on the part surface that will change any dimensional tolerances. 

    These are not the only questions we receive in regards to vacuum impregnation and porosity.  
    To discuss your specific questions, or situation, contact us at 330-562-1440 or send us an email

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