Godfrey & Wing will exhibit at the North America Die Casting Association (NADCA) Congress and Exposition, October 15 – 17, Indianapolis, Indiana. The Congress and Exhibition features technical sessions on the die casting and finishing processes given by experts from around the world along with exhibits on the latest technology used in the die casting industry.
Godfrey & Wing will exhibit a mock-up of the HVLV lean impregnation system, the most popular impregnation system in the world. Attendees will see firsthand that vacuum impregnation is a viable, in-house solution to producing pressure tight components. Needing only 96 square feet, the HVLV provides manufacturers the ability to place an effective and efficient impregnation process in their plants.
The demand for vacuum impregnation is on the rise. This is driven by OEM’s higher performance requirements, lower acceptable leak rates in castings, increasing use of lighter materials, and thinner walls. Companies working with Godfrey & Wing will find a competitive edge by controlling the production process and providing sealed castings at an overall lower price.
Godfrey & Wing will be exhibiting at booth 603. Learn more about this show by visiting: https://www.diecasting.org/