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Godfrey & Wing has expanded vacuum impregnation production capacity at its North American service centers. The focus of this growth is to help manufacturers ensure part performance and build their business profitability in 2023 and the future. Godfrey & Wing’s service centers are in Aurora, OH; Toledo, OH; Defiance, OH; Saginaw, MI; Milwaukee, WI; and Santa Catarina, Mexico. These facilities are geographically positioned to best serve the heart of the North American manufacturing industry.

Manufacturers have higher performance requirements and lower acceptable leak rates. They can rely on Godfrey & Wing to meet performance requirements, ensure component quality, and protect profitability.

Vacuum Impregnation Production

This expansion results from applying Godfrey & Wing’s Production System (GPS) to improve efficiencies and eliminate waste. As a result, production capacity has increased by more than 30% and lowered operating expenses.

As the need to seal leak paths evolves, so will Godfrey & Wing’s capacity. The expansion has allowed the company to provide new and proven vacuum impregnation solutions for components ranging from die castings to electronics to graphite and EV batteries. Manufacturers can rely on Godfrey & Wing as they introduce new materials and product designs requiring vacuum impregnation.

“Our expansion is vital to solving manufacturers’ porosity sealing challenges.” Said Alexander Alford, CEO of Godfrey & Wing. “This allows the best manufacturers worldwide to trust Godfrey & Wing to meet their requirements and the integrity of their bottom line.”

Expanded Production Capacity and Capabilities Positions Godfrey & Wing to Support Industry Growth