The Advanced Powertrain Impregnation (APi) system is Godfrey & Wing’s latest innovation in vacuum impregnation
equipment. As the name implies, the APi was developed specifically for the advance powertrain market and is also the ideal solution for any light to medium weight large volume part impregnation.
The APi uses the same patented dry vacuum and pressure (DVP) process technology found in GW’s CFi and HVLV impregnation systems and features a 43% larger work envelope to accommodate the next generation of transmission cases.
“In response to a need in the marketplace for a vacuum impregnation system with the capability to impregnate larger parts, our engineering team developed the APi. Like the HVLV, the APi is modular in design and is available as either a manual or automated system. The manual system is capable of processing up to 15 cycles per hour, and the automated system can process up to 36 cycles per hour. The separate vessel, rinse and cure modules allow for flexible system configuration,” commented Matt August, Director of Business Development at Godfrey & Wing.
Godfrey & Wing’s latest innovation in vacuum impregnation fills a void in the marketplace and aligns with modern manufacturing, allowing for single piece flow impregnation of large parts.