As we begin a New Year, we want to share our top 5 blog posts of 2013. If you missed any of these articles, be sure to check them out. They include helpful information about vacuum impregnation economics, processes and sealant.
How Much Does it Cost to Impregnate a Part?
Or in other words, how much sealant will a part consume? Parts consume sealant in two ways as part of the normal vacuum impregnation cycle.
Types of Vacuum Impregnation Processes
There are a variety of factors that can help you determine which type of vacuum impregnation system will best meet your needs, including processes, systems and sealants.
What Vacuum Impregnation Is Not
When thinking about vacuum impregnation it’s important to remember a few things that the process does not do.
Vacuum Impregnation Economics
If the impregnation process is not efficient and fails to seal the casting it will become scrap, and the number and value of these failures will determine the economic viability of the process.
What Is the Sealant Consumption with Godfrey & Wing Sealants?
Some manufacturers state that sealant consumption is 10 grams per impregnated kilogram. Other manufacturers state 5 grams and some even say less than 2 grams. All of these numbers may be correct.
For more articles about vacuum impregnation, visit the Godfrey & Wing blog.