Top 3 Blog Posts in 2014
As we begin a New Year, we want to share our top 3 most read blog posts of 2014. If you missed any of these articles, be sure to check them out. They include helpful information about continuous flow vacuum impregnation, the quality of an impregnation process and sealants.
Shutdown Maintenance of Impregnation Systems and Sealants
As we approach a shutdown used by many manufacturers to service plant equipment, it is important to ensure that impregnation systems and sealants be included in the shutdown maintenance program.
What Is Continuous Flow Vacuum Impregnation?
The Continuous Flow Impregnation (CFi) System is a lean, front loading vacuum impregnation system that uses a robot for part handling and transfers between modules. This impregnation system has a cycle times of less than 95 seconds. Individual part handling leads to many process improvements, such as shorter cycle times, better rinse results without risk […]
What Does It Mean When a Sealant is Qualified and Approved by MIL-I-17563C?
MIL-I-17563C is the Military Specification for cast or powder metal components. This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense and “covers the requirements for impregnants suitable for use in sealing the voids found in cast or powder metal components which cause leaking of contained fluids.” To answer […]
Top 5 Blog Posts in 2013
As we begin a New Year, we want to share our top 5 blog posts of 2013. If you missed any of these articles, be sure to check them out. They include helpful information about vacuum impregnation economics, processes and sealant. How Much Does it Cost to Impregnate a Part? Or in other words, how […]
Thermal Cure and Anaerobic Sealant Applications
We often write about the different types of vacuum impregnation systems that are commonly used and how each may be best suited for use when processing a particular type of part. Once you have determined the type of system that is required, you then need to select the appropriate sealant for the system and application.
What is the lifespan of your vacuum impregnation system?
Is it more cost-effective to repair your existing vacuum impregnation equipment or to purchase a new system? There are many factors to consider when making this decision.
Don’t Hesitate to Use Vacuum Impregnation
I often meet with potential customers who are hesitant to implement a vacuum impregnation process for a variety of reasons. In this article, I will discuss the most common reasons as well as provide some explanation as to why and how a vacuum impregnation program can benefit your business.
How Much Does it Cost to Impregnate a Part?
One of the most common questions in vacuum impregnation is how much does it cost to impregnate a part, or in other words, how much sealant will a part consume? Parts consume sealant in two ways as part of the normal vacuum impregnation cycle. The first way that parts consume sealant is that sealant actually […]
What is the sealant consumption with Godfrey & Wing sealants?
At Godfrey & Wing, we are often asked this question and wanted to provide some explanation in this article. Some manufacturers state that sealant consumption is 10 grams per impregnated kilogram. Other manufacturers state 5 grams and some even say less than 2 grams. All of these numbers may be correct.