Vacuum Impregnation FAQ: Part 2

 We posted a blog in May about the common frequently asked questions about vacuum impregnation.  With the complexity of the subject, these questions and answers do not fully address all porosity and vacuum impregnation questions.  The following are additional answers to commonly asked questions about porosity and vacuum impregnation. How much does impregnation cost? This question […]

Three Types of Die Casting Porosity

When a casting porosity problem occurs, the first challenge is to determine the type of porosity. The following porosity classification guide can help you determine the porosity type. This is important information to know, because the type of porosity will dictate the vacuum impregnation process to use. In general, there are three basic classifications of […]

Change of MSDS/TDS to SDS Documents

OSHA issued a new regulation changing current Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to conform to the Global Harmonized System of Classifying and Labeling Chemicals (GHS). Under the GHS, material safety data sheets (MSDS) will now be called safety data sheets (SDS). SDS’s will provide you with procedures for handling and working with our sealants in a […]

Understanding Vacuum Impregnation (Handbook)

We recently update our vacuum impregnation handbook.  The handbook takes the complicated subject of vacuum impregnation and simplifies it.  This handbook will allow you to better identify porosity and then learn what vacuum impregnation process and system is best to seal your porosity. When porosity occurs in your part, you need to get it seal […]

Advanced Powertrain Impregnation (Video)

Our new Advanced Powertrain impregnation (APi) system simplifies and compacts the vacuum impregnation process so that you can bring vacuum impregnation equipment in house.  The APi takes our patented front loading technology and increases the impregnation chamber for large parts-like engine blocks or powertrain transmission cases.

Vacuum Impregnation FAQ

We are sometimes told by customers that they are unaware of what vacuum impregnation is.  Ultimately, they have a casting with porosity that is leaking whatever is passing through the part (i.e. air, gas, water, etc.), and they need a solution to their problem. Here are some of the more common questions that we receive […]

CFi Vacuum Impregnation System Creates Competitive Advantage

The Albert Handtmann Metallgusswerk GmbH is the largest lightweight (aluminum) foundry in Germany.  When the opportunity arose for the company to cast and machine one third of the entire world production of transmission cases and clutch housings for Mercedes Benz, not just any vacuum impregnation system would work.   They needed a vacuum impregnation system to […]

Cover image showcasing Godfrey & Wing’s vacuum impregnation solutions.

Have you read the latest Fundidores?

Our new Mexico vacuum impregnation plant is featured on the cover of the Fundidores April addition.   If you have not read the recent Fundidores from Metal Spain, then click here to download your free copy.  FYI, the magazine is both in Spanish and English.  The Englsih version begins on page 28. Our Mexico service […]
