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Godfrey & Wing will exhibit at the Ankiros trade show, October 25-27, Istanbul, Turkey. Ankiros is the biggest metallurgy trade show in Eurasia for experts in the foundry, steel and non-ferrous metals industries. At the previous event in 2016, the organizers welcomed 975 exhibitors from 41 countries and over 16,000 visitors from 77 countries.


Godfrey & Wing will show that its lean and efficient vacuum impregnation equipment is feasible, affordable, and simple to use for advanced manufacturing environments. Attendees will see firsthand that Godfrey & Wing’s vacuum impregnation will boost their productivity, quality, and profitability by producing pressure tight components.

The demand for vacuum impregnation is on the rise. This is driven by OEM’s high performance requirements, lower acceptable leak rates in castings, engineers’ increasing use of lighter materials, and thinner walls. Companies working with Godfrey & Wing will find a competitive edge by controlling the production process and providing sealed castings at an overall lower price.

Godfrey & Wing will be exhibiting at booth H3-A146. Learn more about this show by visiting: https://www.ankiros.com

How Vacuum Impregnation Equipment Seals Porosity