The other morning I was walking the dog around 5:00 AM, and I noticed how exceptionally crisp and brilliant the stars were in the pre dawn sky, shining though the high pressure system overhead. While finishing the walk around the neighborhood, I thought about mankind’s worldview that the earth was flat as recent as 600 years ago and the reluctance of decision makers of that time, influenced by the rhetoric of naysayers, to accept anything other than the status quo.
Fast forward to preparing this blog post, and I pondered the world view of casting impregnation, the reluctance of the industry to change and the rhetoric of the old guard saying no, no impregnation is this – it can’t be that.
Don’t misunderstand my point. It’s not that the industry does not need change or value-add providers do not want change. But, what is holding back advancements in impregnation technology is the fear of falling off the flat-surface, half-century old world view of impregnation developed by the artisans of last century. This old world view is still promoted today by our competitors instead of embracing the scientific data of this century’s impregnation scientists and engineers.
At Godfrey & Wing our team of engineers and scientists are committed to changing the industry, to changing how the world views casting impregnation; with facts – not fear; with process precision – not batch size and lengthy process time; with small high speed impregnation systems that match modern manufacturing philosophies; with newly formulated sealants – that seal porosity the first time every time; and with experienced technical support worldwide and available around the clock.
With more than 10 million cycles ran and a average recovery rate of greater than 99% in our patented high-speed impregnation systems, we ask the question, why except a recovery rate in the mid-eighty percentile range when 99% is the new world standard?
For more information on equipment, sealants and our 99% recovery guarantee contact us.