CAPi Impregnation System

Godfrey & Wing’s CAPi allows high volume OEM and suppliers to have the benefits of vacuum impregnation in a simple, easy to use machine. Its use of automation means porosity is sealed at a higher rate in a shorter cycle time and with minimal labor.

It features a 33% larger work envelope than the CFi to accommodate large, complex die castings.

Highest Recovery

Highest Recovery

The CAPi contains Dry Vacuum and Pressure (DVP) impregnation chamber. This seals porosity with a first time through (FTT) recovery rate of over 99%. PLC controls ensure the process is repeatable without operator input.

Processing 38 cycles per hour makes the CAPi one of the fastest automated vacuum impregnation systems in the world.

Achieve Inline Manufacturing

Achieve Inline Manufacturing

The design allows for integration directly into the manufacturing line. The automation forms the interface between the impregnation system and processing line. This enables a shorter cycle time and eliminates the risk of part damage.

Ensure Part Quality

Ensure Part Quality

Continuous flow technology and fixturing ensure porosity sealing and protect critical surfaces. This eliminates handling damage and sealant contamination.

The CAPi system is self-contained for quality. The robot and PLC would work together to ensure that parts would not leave the system until meeting all pre-determined conditions.

Contained, Clean Operating Environment

Contained, Clean Operating Environment

Internal components are positioned to enable ease of maintenance without interrupting production.

The maintenance team can service principal components through the rear panel doors, rather than accessing the system through the safety fence.